Fire safety is one of the very important safety concerns at any workplace. This is why you see a number of signs and tags throughout a workplace while working there on any fine day. These safety signs and fire safety equipment play an important role in keeping you alert all the time about fire hazards and to follow safe practices during an emergency situation. Have you noticed that the place where you work has a number of signs in different colors and shapes? Do you know what these signs mean? Have you ever considered why these signs are made using glowing ink? Why there are so many fire extinguishers hanging all over the workplace or why FM 200 suppression system is installed? Why there are safety policy posted on the entrances of your workplace? There is a long list of such question with just a single answer that to ensure your safety and for the safety of your workplace. This is why it is so important that you should know about all these signs to make sure that you and your workplace can comply with the fire safety policy.
It’s a moral and legal duty of an employer to erect fire safety signs throughout the workplace to ensure safety and health of his employees. He must implement standard fire safety policy. There must be prominent safety signs and fire safety equipment visible to all that use that workplace. Moreover, flammable liquids and materials must be stored properly with visible tags and safety signs to minimize fire hazards. As an employer, you must understand that it is not only important for the safety of your employees, but also to maximize the safety of your own workplace.
Further details
The employees of your organization must also have detailed understanding of the styles of fire safety signs. It is necessary for them to be taught about the messages being conveyed through these signs as well. For instance, you will learn from the best fire safety equipment suppliers in Dubai that the green signs that are also known as safe condition signs carry two different meanings. These signs provide information about the places where the fire safety equipment is placed. Apart from that, these signs also notify people about the things that are safe to do in case an emergency takes place. On the other hand, there are red signs that only indicate the place where fire extinguishers are placed. Then there are prohibition signs that feature red circles with a diagonal line and these convey information about the things and activities that your employees must refrain from during an emergency. So make sure that your employees acquire detailed information about these signs.